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Scan and digitize any building in record time

Our portable scanners are 10x faster than a tripod scanner and digitize in record time your buildings (1,000 m2 in 20 minutes), whatever their size (offices or residential buildings, industrial properties, logistics companies, shopping malls, hospitals, airports, railway stations, various infrastructures..).

72 hours after scanning, you receive the keys to your digitized building through a URL link and a login:

  • Access to the virtual visit of your building
  • Access to Scanium® BMS

You can now explore your Digital Twins as if you were actually there, from wherever you are !

Custom tribute
Custom tribute

No need to put your activity on hold

Thanks to their mobility and technology, our scanners don’t require any suspension of your activities, unlike tripod scanners.

This is a major advantage for numerous industries that cannot afford suspending or disrupt operations, such as retail, manufacturing, cold chain, logistics, health and infrastructure.